General News
University implements new 49er Mart projects
Financial Services is always looking for ways to improve and simplify processes. Over the last two years, a collaborative team that included representatives from Financial Services, Information Technology Services, Imaging and Workflow and others has been working hard to implement several 49er Mart initiatives designed to enhance the user experience and decrease processing time by […]

Get to know: Jeff Nanney
Jeff Nanney is a project manager in Technical Operations and Planning (TOP). For the past six years, he has managed projects in video security, door access, parking, dining, human resources and financial services. Before joining UNC Charlotte, Nanney was a software developer and small business owner. When he’s not helping Business Affairs “do things better,” […]

Get To Know the New AVC for Business Services
Rich Steele, former Interim AVC of Campus Enterprises at NC State and Senior Director of Auxiliary Services at Georgia Tech, began work on campus in late May and assumed his new role on July 1. What attracted you to the AVC Business Services role? I had the opportunity to visit Charlotte many years ago and […]
New campus trainings teach individual preparedness, student support
The Office of Emergency Management, the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services and the Dean of Students Office are sponsoring new trainings to help faculty and staff learn how to proactively survive an intruder situation, and to ease the transition for students on campus following the April 30 incident. Community Active Assailant Response Training will […]
July and August Congratulations
The following individuals in Business Affairs are celebrating service awards milestones this quarter: 25 years: Harvey Ballard, BES; Ricky Dranell, BES 20 years: Greg Barnes, Facilities Management Zone 1; Mark Haire, Financial Systems Support; Beverly Starcher, BES 15 years: Elizabeth Brown, BES; Dale Kroeze, Grounds; Alice LaRocca, Controller; Mark Litjes, Police and Public Safety; David […]

Environmental Health and Safety aims to instill a culture of safety
A university is a unique working environment, and the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) has a specific role to play in ensuring students, faculty, staff and visitors are safe in this setting. Most organizations in the private industry may need to only focus on workplace safety initiatives and compliance programs with the Occupational […]

Business Affairs expresses appreciation during National Payroll Week
In honor of National Payroll Week, we want to openly recognize the hard work of UNC Charlotte’s Payroll Department: Jamette Blue, Terrie Burris, Renetta Darity, Robyn Diehm, Annette Hamilton, Marlo Hardiman, Tahnett Mack and Kim Saunders. They work hard every day to ensure our UNC Charlotte employees get paid, and processed 10,743 W-2s for the […]

Police and Public Safety Promotions
Nine officers within UNC Charlotte’s Police and Public Safety Department have received promotions, following a rigorous, complex process. This is the largest number of promotions announced at the same time in the department’s history. Police Chief Jeff Baker presided over a ceremony that recognized the advancement of Lewis Bowman and Sarah Smyre to the rank […]

Get to know: Alyssa Paige Treager
Alyssa Paige Treager is passionate about accessible learning and helping people achieve their dreams. In her new role as senior instructional design and learning specialist, she aims to do just that. She’s also a certified scuba diver. What are some projects that encompass your new role as senior instructional design and learning specialist? One of […]
September Congratulations
Melanie Witherspoon, director of facilities finance and business operations in Facilities Management, recently received her Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification, a process improvement certification. Helena Connors, assistant director of PaTS, recently became a Certified Administrator of Public Parking (CAPP). The CAPP designation is awarded by the International Parking and Mobility Institute and is considered […]