Favorite Thanksgiving recipes, traditions and memories in Business Affairs

Earlier this month, members of the UNC Charlotte community were asked to share their favorite Thanksgiving recipes, traditions and memories. Below is a sampling of responses from our colleagues in business affairs. More Thanksgiving favorites were shared last week in Niner Insider, and you can read them here.

Robyn Diehm, assistant controller, tax and payroll

Diehm’s favorite Thanksgiving recipe is pecan pie. She writes, “My mom always made pecan pie, not only for Thanksgiving but also for my birthday–I’ve never been a cake fan. So the Thanksgiving table always has room for pecan pie.”

Michael Lizotte, University sustainability officer

Tourtière, a French-Canadian Meat Pie, is Lizotte’s favorite Thanksgiving dish. He writes, “If you are lucky, you also get Tourtière for Canadian Thanksgiving (in October).”

Beverly Imes, executive assistant for the associate vice chancellor of Facilities Management

A special Thanksgiving tradition Imes takes part in is volunteering at a homeless shelter preparing and serving meals. Her favorite Thanksgiving recipe is confetti green beans, made of green beans, a splash of apple cider vinegar, grapeseed oil, diced red bell pepper, diced purple (red) onion and a special blend of herbs and spices. Slivered almonds are optional

Timothy Johnson, fire safety analyst

Creamed cabbage with apples and Canadian bacon is an important part of Johnson’s Thanksgiving feast. His favorite memory was his first Thanksgiving as an adult. He invited friends over for a 5 p.m. mealtime and began cooking at 8 a.m. The meal was ready by 1 p.m. “It looked and smelled so good, and we were so hungry,” Johnson writes. So they ate. When the guests arrived for dinner time, they noticed their hosts were barely eating their meal. One guest remarked, “If you guys aren’t gonna eat, then I will not eat it either.” They confessed that they had eaten earlier.

Greg Cole, water resource engineer

Cole’s favorite Thanksgiving recipe is Bourbon Pecan Sweet Potato Casserole.

Larry Kelley, interim vice chancellor for business affairs

Kelley’s favorite Thanksgiving dish is a turkey…made of fruit.